President’s Update

This article originally appeared in the CIA (e)Bulletin.

By John Dark, FCIA
CIA President

April was a busy month for the Institute, and the next two months will be even more so, as we prepare for act19, the CIA’s annual conference.

Retirement age public statement

On April 15, we released our first level-two public statement, Retire Later for Greater Benefits: Updating today’s retirement programs for tomorrow’s retirement realities, which calls for discussions on Canada’s retirement age. The statement is the culmination of two years of work by members of the Single Topic Task Force (STTF), who reviewed research on the effects of an aging population on economic growth, tax revenues, and health care costs, developed draft statements, consulted with members, and incorporated feedback. We received extensive media coverage in English and French, which you can read more about in the public affairs corner of this (e)Bulletin.

A huge thank you to the STTF, members who provided feedback, and everyone involved in producing this excellent initiative.

Waiver of dues

At the end of April, I sent a special email regarding changes to the Policy on Administration of Member Rights and Privileges. When we published and distributed the policy in March 2019, it resulted in much discussion among members and at the Board and leadership levels. As a result of these discussions, we made changes to the policy affecting the qualifications for a waiver of dues. I encourage you to read the policy and the FAQ; as always, feel free to reach out to me with questions or concerns.

North American Actuarial Council meeting

From May 3–4, I will be attending the North American Actuarial Council (NAAC) meeting in Ottawa. We are pleased to welcome our American and Mexican counterparts for discussions on mutual areas of interest, including climate change, autonomous vehicles, and the meaning of “the public interest” in a professional context. We are particularly pleased that we will be holding a special presentation on the Senate of Canada in the Upper Chamber as part of the meeting.


The annual Board election campaign is in full swing. This year, we have nine members running for four Director positions on the Board, and two running for President-Elect. Voting begins on Tuesday, May 7 at 12:00 ET. As part of changes to the CIA’s governance structure approved by members, we now reserve a Director position for a recent FCIA. As well, Associates with voting rights are now eligible for election to the Board. I encourage all members to read the candidates’ platforms, listen to the Directors and President-Elect webcasts (log in first), and most importantly, vote. This is an easy and important way for you to take part in the governance and direction of your professional association.

John Dark, FCIA, is President of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries.

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