L’ANÉA offre une excellente occasion aux étudiants et étudiantes qui poursuivent des études en science actuarielle dans des universités canadiennes de tisser des liens et de prendre contact au sein de la profession. Isaac Marchand, président du Congrès 2025 de l’ANÉA, se joint à Voir au-delà du risque pour nous en dire plus sur l’association et ce qui nous attend lors du prochain congrès en...
Episode 221: The Actuarial Students National Association (ASNA): Inspiring the Next Generation of Actuarial Leaders
ASNA provides an excellent opportunity for students pursuing actuarial science degrees at Canadian universities to connect with one another and the profession. ASNA President-Elect Abigiel Utomo joins Seeing Beyond Risk to tell us more about the organization and what to expect at the next ASNA convention, in January 2025. (In English)
Learn more about ASNA
Episode 220: Making the Move to Asia / Épisode 220 : Passage en Asie
A good number of Canadian actuaries have taken their skills overseas. Of course, making the move to a different part of the world can present cultural challenges, both inside and outside of the workplace. Two CIA members that have made the move to Asia are Si Xie and Cynthia Liu, who share their experiences in this episode. (In English) Un bon nombre d’actuaires canadiens ont transposé leurs...
Episode 219: Riding the AI Wave in Actuarial Work / Épisode 219 : Suivre le courant de l’IA en actuariat
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the more discussed technological innovation of recent times. We can expect to see it have an influence in all aspects of life, including actuarial science. Exactly how it will affect our profession is yet to be seen. In this episode, FCIA Ling Guo offers her insights on how AI, from predictive modelling to large language models, presently impacts actuarial work and...
Episode 217: The Unique Design of Individual Pension Plans Explained
Thousands of Canadian business owners and incorporated professionals participate in arrangements known as individual pension plans, which are essentially defined benefit plans for single individuals. This unique design also carries with it distinct actuarial considerations. In this episode, CIA Fellow Jessica Lafleur discusses her experiences practicing in this area. (In English)