
Episode 185: Cultivating excellence: navigating CPD for technical mastery and beyond

Get ready to enrich your professional journey! In this episode, we explore how CIA members can meet their annual continuing professional development (CPD) requirements before year-end. Beyond technical know-how, we emphasize the importance of incorporating business and professionalism content to your activities. Bryan Liu, FCIA, sheds light on the General Business, Professionalism and Leadership...

Episode 184: NAWA: Empowering women in the actuarial profession / Épisode 184 : NAWA : habiliter les femmes dans le domaine de l’actuariat

The Network of Actuarial Women and Allies (NAWA) is an association created in 2021 dedicated to connecting and supporting women and their allies across the actuarial profession. Increasing diversity and equity, creating a sense of community and establishing development opportunities for women in the profession, NAWA now has 850+ members and 2,000+ followers on LinkedIn worldwide. In this episode...

Episode 183: Navigating collaborative risk management with the JRMS / Épisode 183 : Naviguer la gestion collaborative des risques avec la SCGR

Being composed of the CIA, the Society of Actuaries and the Casualty Actuarial Society, the Joint Risk Management Section (JRMS) is one especially successful collaboration between North America’s three leading actuarial bodies. In this episode, FCIAs and section leaders Ariel Weis and Daniel Klein provide more information on the activities of the section and some of the topics that are explored...

Épisode 182 : Le leadership, l’IA et l’avenir en compagnie de la présidente sortante de l’ICA

Cet été, Hélène Pouliot a terminé avec succès son mandat de présidente de l’ICA, ouvrant ainsi un nouveau mandat sous la direction du président Steve Prince. Dans cet épisode, Hélène nous fait part des choses qui l’ont surprise au cours de son mandat, et nous explique les priorités stratégiques et son point de vue sur ce qui attend l’Institut pour la prochaine année. Cette discussion fait le lien...

Episode 181: A dive into leadership, AI and the future with CIA leaders

This summer, Hélène Pouliot successfully concluded her CIA presidency, passing the torch to Steve Prince. In this episode, they reflect on their terms, discussing surprises, strategic focuses and the symbiotic potential of AI like ChatGPT in the actuarial profession. Their conversation bridges the presidential transition, offering advice and Steve’s vision for the Institute under his leadership...

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