
Actuaries Climate Index down again in latest five-year average

The winter 2020-21 data release of the Actuaries Climate Index (ACI), which provides objective measures of specific and aggregate changes in climate extremes and sea level across Canada and the U.S., shows a second consecutive small decline in the index’s five-year moving average and now sits at 1.19 points above the ACI reference period.

COVID-19 Modelling: The Story Behind the Headline

Despite our ability to adapt and science’s best efforts to keep up, unpredictable variables have made forecasting the pandemic’s future outcomes a challenge. To understand the COVID-19 pandemic in the face of uncertain factors, the CIA put together a Pandemic Modelling Project Team to analyze scenarios for Ontario where key assumptions are varied, and to present outcomes of the pandemic in the...

Contributing to a public-focused profession

“The challenge for any professional organization is managing public interest and the professional interests of its members,” says Michel Simard, CIA Executive Director. Through its programs and activities, the Institute upholds its guiding principle of putting public interest above the needs of the profession and its members. Whether refining our Qualification Standard, revising the Standards of...

Actuaries’ expertise at home and abroad

Promoting the expertise of actuaries to the public is one of the CIA's priorities. As the profession's profile continues to heighten, it is with pride that we highlight the impactful contributions and influence of our members at home and abroad.

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Ottawa, Ontario K1R 7X7

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