This report, the final in the series, covers the impact of COVID-19 on Canada’s life insurance industry and uses key findings to help decision-makers better understand and manage risk.
Survey of Emerging Risks – Risk Combinations
When risk managers are thinking about risks, cognitive biases that focus on recent risks often come into play. Train yourself to think with a longer time horizon, strategically, and in a way that allows risks to interact in combination with one other. The companies that encourage this are more likely to survive and make better decisions that allow them to thrive.
Lower COVID-19 claim counts with higher claim amounts in the latest pandemic waves
Continuing the line of the Canadian Insurance Industry Monthly Aggregate Data Analysis series is the fifth report from the CIA, providing updated data to the end of December 2021. Using aggregate data collected from Canadian life insurance companies, the latest report shows that Canada has experienced five distinct waves of COVID-19 infections and deaths. Data is still being collected for the...
Condo stakeholders at risk due to uncertainty in their reserve funds
New research by the Canadian Institute of Actuaries reveals that low reserve fund contributions will likely lead to overwhelming annual increases and require lump-sum payments from owners to cover shortfalls, and could potentially lead to the loss of homes, especially in the context of rising interest rates.