Frank Grossman, FCIA, joins us to share the findings of a recent CIA survey examining the ethical issues encountered by members within the profession and the extent to which these issues might pose an ethical problem for the actuarial profession over the next five years.
AI ethics and regulation in insurance: Actuaries uniquely positioned for success
With the increasing use of AI within both the private and public sectors, regulations and laws to address the appropriate collection and use of data are being proposed and passed within Canada and across the world. Beyond the expected regulatory burden that will face companies using AI, there is an ethical component as well. Insurers have historically built their business on the idea of “fair...
DC plans in the decumulation phase: an opportunity to be seized
More and more pension plan participants are entering the decumulation phase of their lives, with a significant proportion of their retirement assets in a DC plan or savings plan such as an RRSP. Is there a way they can continue to reap the benefits of pooling assets for this second phase of their financial life? Some DC plan sponsors are currently addressing the issue and considering adopting...
Impacts of climate change on actuarial practice
Climate change was a popular topic of discussion at this year’s act21 conference, with several sessions addressing its impact on actuarial practice. Guest host Gaetano Geretto, FCIA, and members of the CIA Climate Change and Sustainability Committee – FCIAs André Choquet, Zahir Bhanji, and Frédéric Matte – review what was covered and how these conversations will shape the profession’s challenges...
Preparing for future pandemics with a risk management framework
Actuarial interest in COVID-19 is being approached from several angles: the impact on longevity and healthcare costs, the effect on insurance and benefit plans, and the economic disruption that could shape long-term investment returns, pricing, and funding. Yet even with all this to consider, there are still other areas that could benefit from the application of actuarial expertise, such as the...