Housed at the Canadian Centre for Climate Change and Adaptation, the University of Prince Edward Island’s (UPEI) School of Climate Change and Adaptation offers students and researchers the unique experience of learning about climate science in St. Peter’s Bay, PE, an area surrounded by diverse and environmentally significant topographies.
DC plans in the decumulation phase: an opportunity to be seized
More and more pension plan participants are entering the decumulation phase of their lives, with a significant proportion of their retirement assets in a DC plan or savings plan such as an RRSP. Is there a way they can continue to reap the benefits of pooling assets for this second phase of their financial life? Some DC plan sponsors are currently addressing the issue and considering adopting...
Let’s talk about actuaries in the movies
It is somewhat rare for actuaries to make appearances in pop culture. Not unlike large segments of regular society, the profession remains fairly unknown to the entertainment industry – but not unheard of entirely. Chris Fievoli breaks down actuaries and their roles – both great and small – in the cinematic universe.