

Actuarial evidence with a twist

About 10 years ago I received a call from a lawyer looking for help in determining the expected number of members in a class action. It was a historical action dating back to the 1940s. My mandate was to determine the number of Indigenous children who attended one of several schools from the 1940s to the 1990s. That number, then, was to be split between surviving and deceased students as of 2010...

Behold the API (application programming interface)

A man and a woman reviewing a code in a computer

Most actuaries work with data and build models, but do most know how to facilitate the distribution of their data and models? The purpose of this article is to introduce the idea of application programming interfaces (APIs) to actuaries who may not have considered them as a way to distribute their data and models.

Improving the Canadian insurance industry through big data

A new statement from the Canadian Institute of Actuaries (CIA), Big data and risk classification: Understanding the actuarial and social issues, says that using big data derived from new technologies can contribute to the healthy functioning of insurance markets.

The impact of big data on insurance ratemaking

Big data and risk classification: Understanding the actuarial and social issues is the CIA’s latest policy statement. In this episode of the podcast, Matt Buchalter, FCIA and Chris Cooney, FCIA speak about the need for this statement, the benefits that increased data collection can have on insurance ratemaking and society, how policyholder privacy is paramount, and how data collection is expected...

An emerging actuarial application – condominium reserve funds (Part 2)

Reserve funds are used by condominiums to manage future repair and replacement costs. Actuarial work has traditionally been associated with reserves for insurance companies – but can these techniques be applied to condo reserves as well? Jon Juffs, co-author of a new CIA research paper, and Thomas Wendling, POG member for this research project, say yes.

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