Reserve funds are used by condominiums to manage future repair and replacement costs. Actuarial work has traditionally been associated with reserves for insurance companies – but can these techniques be applied to condo reserves as well? Jon Juffs, co-author of a new CIA research paper, and Thomas Wendling, POG member for this research project, say yes.
Condo stakeholders at risk due to uncertainty in their reserve funds
New research by the Canadian Institute of Actuaries reveals that low reserve fund contributions will likely lead to overwhelming annual increases and require lump-sum payments from owners to cover shortfalls, and could potentially lead to the loss of homes, especially in the context of rising interest rates.
COVID-19 sets the stage for basic income, but can it work?
Long Live Rock
The Rolling Stones are back on tour this fall, despite the recent passing of drummer Charlie Watts, proving that old age and impending mortality don’t have to be impediments when it comes to being a rock star. But they’re not the only ones. Several performers from the classic rock can still be seen making new music and touring, even as they reach ages when most of us hope to be well into...