TagArtificial Intelligence

The IAA’s President reflects on the profession’s evolution and opportunities

On September 2, the CIA and the IAA are celebrating International Actuaries Day. This observance marks a significant historical milestone. The International Congress of Actuaries (ICA) held their inaugural meeting on September 2, 1895, in Brussels. Consequently, September 2 stands as a significant moment in history for the global profession as the first identifiable moment in which actuaries from...

Finding the balance: Personalization of risk and risk pooling

Blake Hill, FCIA, member of the CIA Single Topic Task Force on Risk Classification

The latest buzz phrase in the insurance industry is “embedded insurance,” which presents an opportunity to seamlessly offer protection in real time given a proactive approach to risk management. Underpinning embedded insurance is the ability to personalize insurance. This requires that customers understand the necessity of sharing more data with their insurance providers.

Improving the Canadian insurance industry through big data

A new statement from the Canadian Institute of Actuaries (CIA), Big data and risk classification: Understanding the actuarial and social issues, says that using big data derived from new technologies can contribute to the healthy functioning of insurance markets.

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