

How to make the most of the Actuaries Climate Index

Since 2016, the CIA and its partners have released data from the North American Actuaries Climate Index (ACI) every quarter. The most recent release continues the tradition. But what can you do with this data? What does it mean? We caught up with members of the CIA’s Climate Change and Sustainability Committee (CCSC) to learn more about the ACI and help find out how you can make the most of it.

Actuarial focus on mitigating climate risks and adapting to change

As the Actuaries Climate Index and other climate-related measurements continue to tick upwards, the question is what do we do with these data? Are Canada and the provinces putting enough effort towards adapting our infrastructure to the potential consequences of climate change? How can Canadian actuaries get more involved in climate-related risk management and apply their expertise to the...

Quantification of Cyber Risk for Actuaries

Released in May 2020, this paper, jointly prepared by the CIA with the Society of Actuaries and the Casualty Actuarial Society, presents a new framework to analyze the potential cyber risks facing organizations. The report’s co-author Unal Tatar, and Fei Xie (FCIA), member of the project oversight group, join us for the discussion.

Volunteering at the CIA

Volunteers play a crucial role in ensuring that the CIA can meet its strategic objectives and serve its members. In this episode, Sue Alcott, Manager, Volunteer Services, provides an overview of how volunteers support the organization, and how members can get involved. We also hear from CIA members, Dave Pelletier and Riccardo Giaccari, who share their experiences as volunteers, and how this work...

Climate Change Risks Survey Results

ACIA Christine Bisson-Roberge discusses the results of the recent survey of CIA members on climate change risks, conducted by the Climate Change and Sustainability Committee. Key findings include a low incidence of accounting for climate change risk among those surveyed, and the desire for guidance and more education about the materiality of this emerging risk.

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