Actuaries have consistently played a key role in the development of Canada’s system of social protection. As such, this discussion highlights the many areas for actuarial advice as we try to improve this system for Canadians in the post-COVID era.
Building on a tradition of collaboration at the 2021 OCA Seminar
On September 13, FCIAs Michel St-Germain, Damien Lapointe Nguyen, Alyssa Hariton, and France Panneton presented at OSFI’s 2021 Office of the Chief Actuary (OCA) Seminar, a triennial event calling on the expertise of demographic, economic, and investments experts to share their views on long-term perspectives.
DC plans in the decumulation phase: an opportunity to be seized
More and more pension plan participants are entering the decumulation phase of their lives, with a significant proportion of their retirement assets in a DC plan or savings plan such as an RRSP. Is there a way they can continue to reap the benefits of pooling assets for this second phase of their financial life? Some DC plan sponsors are currently addressing the issue and considering adopting...