TagData science

R vs. Python vs. EVERYTHING

Actuaries are travelling deeper into the fields of data science and machine learning, where open-source software is widely used. Two of the most popular open-source programming languages used by actuaries are R and Python. The topic of R vs. Python is already hotly debated by many professionals in the field of data science, and still discussed at length in many opinion- and fact-based articles...

Deeper dive into the Actuaries Climate Index data sources

The ACI provides objective measures of specific and aggregate changes in climate extremes and sea level across Canada and the US and is based on an analysis of seasonal data from neutral, scientific sources for six index components collected since 1961.

Long Live Rock

The Rolling Stones are back on tour this fall, despite the recent passing of drummer Charlie Watts, proving that old age and impending mortality don’t have to be impediments when it comes to being a rock star. But they’re not the only ones. Several performers from the classic rock can still be seen making new music and touring, even as they reach ages when most of us hope to be well into...

AI ethics and regulation in insurance: Actuaries uniquely positioned for success

With the increasing use of AI within both the private and public sectors, regulations and laws to address the appropriate collection and use of data are being proposed and passed within Canada and across the world. Beyond the expected regulatory burden that will face companies using AI, there is an ethical component as well. Insurers have historically built their business on the idea of “fair...

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