In this article, Mary Stock and Trudy Engel discuss a few key considerations that relate to the economic assumption setting process in these unprecedented times and will highlight a few CIA documents that may be worth reviewing.
Retire Later for Greater Benefits
Learn how updating Canada’s retirement programs will help grow the economy, decrease labour shortages and, most importantly, help protect Canadians against financial risks from increased longevity and inflation. Rob Brown discusses the CIA’s public statement on retirement age.
Read the statement
A French version of this episode with Serge Charbonneau is also available.
Carly Wybrow on Learning Through Volunteering
I became an actuary in December of 2016; however, I started my path to becoming an actuary almost 15 years earlier than that. I think I wanted to be an actuary early on because it was a clear path to a career that used my strengths.
Mitigating and Adapting to Climate Risk
cross the country, an increase in the frequency of extreme weather events means Canadian homeowners, communities, governments, and businesses face higher social and financial costs in recovering from weather-related damage. Flooding has emerged as the most pervasive natural disaster in the country.
Frozen Fragments
As I write this, the polar vortex has the western part of our country firmly in its grasp (-30 C coming to work this morning) and the rest of the country is feeling the winter in a lot of different ways.