I was excited by the idea that I could actually “do math” as a career in a way that was mechanical but that also required more judgment and discernment than the number-crunching careers I had been considering.
Actuaries on External Boards
Boards are looking for more qualified and diversified skill sets for their directors. Find out why actuaries are unique in the type of expertise they bring to the table and what you need to do to be successful on a board. FCIAs Kevin Aselstine, Bill Chinery, and Sharon Giffen draw on their extensive experience serving on boards to share their thoughts on financial literacy, enterprise risk...
Cannabis legalization and the insurance industry in Canada
Get the straight dope with host Chris Fievoli, FCIA, and author Lloyd Milani, FCIA, as they discuss the impacts of cannabis legalization on the Canadian insurance industry. Learn about trends in usage, the impact on addiction and mortality, and the reliability of soft data in assessing this new risk.
The benefits of research collaboration
FCIAs Ben Marshall, Staff Fellow, Canadian Membership at the Society of Actuaries, Keith Walter, Chair of the CIA’s Research Council (REC), and Jill Harper, Vice-Chair of the REC discuss working together on joint research projects. Learn more about the collaboration between the two organizations, upcoming joint papers, and how research is a tool that serves the profession well.
Time to Act: Facing the Risks of a Changing Climate
Climate change creates uncertainty, posing a significant threat to the sustainability of our global ecosystems, health, and economies. Our public statement on climate change calls for immediate action on improved data collection, climate-change financial reporting, and accounting for climate change risk in line with the Paris Agreement. Learn more about the statement with two of the authors...