Management is the act of administering an organization to make it efficient, effective, and trust enhancing. Leadership is the act of influencing, motivating, and enabling others to the achievement of tasks. Together, these become “managerial leadership,” the achievement of goals whilst having a positive impact on others. This new term is bringing the two together and ensuring that they are both...
Discussing a career south of the border with Mike Dekoning
Celebrating National Volunteer Week with strength in numbers
2021 National Volunteer Week
In recognition of National Volunteer Week, this episode delves into the vital role volunteers play in the Canadian actuarial profession. Joined by Sue Alcott, Manager, Volunteer Services, and long-time volunteer Angelita Graham, FCIA, we discuss the benefits of volunteering and Institute’s innovative approach towards recognition.
In these uncertain times, actuaries speak up and are heard
Actuaries are experts in financial risk management, a constantly changing field that must be well regulated to protect the Canadian public. We have a duty to share our knowledge with decision makers. By taking a frequent stand on relevant topics, we also make our voices heard and engage in essential discussions for society.