Roughly 10% of CIA members work outside of Canada, with several of them working as far away as Asia.
Reflecting Climate Change in the Canada Pension Plan
As actuaries continue to understand the implications of climate change on their practices, it can be useful to see the work that others have done. Recently, the Office of the Chief Actuary completed an exercise that modelled different climate scenarios within the Canada Pension Plan’s projections. Joining us to discuss this work and other climate-related topics is FCIA Assia Billig, Chief Actuary...
Exploring the Lifetime Pension Pool Design Elements
The 2019 Canadian federal budget introduced the concept of variable payment life annuities, or VPLAs, a mechanism by which pension plans could pool longevity and investment risks. To better understand how to design these types of plans, the CIA and the Society of Actuaries co-sponsored a research project to investigate the different elements of these arrangements. In this episode, FCIAs Jean...