
TagPredictive modelling

AI ethics and regulation in insurance: Actuaries uniquely positioned for success

With the increasing use of AI within both the private and public sectors, regulations and laws to address the appropriate collection and use of data are being proposed and passed within Canada and across the world. Beyond the expected regulatory burden that will face companies using AI, there is an ethical component as well. Insurers have historically built their business on the idea of “fair...

Preparing for future pandemics with a risk management framework

Actuarial interest in COVID-19 is being approached from several angles: the impact on longevity and healthcare costs, the effect on insurance and benefit plans, and the economic disruption that could shape long-term investment returns, pricing, and funding. Yet even with all this to consider, there are still other areas that could benefit from the application of actuarial expertise, such as the...

COVID-19 Modelling: The Story Behind the Headline

Despite our ability to adapt and science’s best efforts to keep up, unpredictable variables have made forecasting the pandemic’s future outcomes a challenge. To understand the COVID-19 pandemic in the face of uncertain factors, the CIA put together a Pandemic Modelling Project Team to analyze scenarios for Ontario where key assumptions are varied, and to present outcomes of the pandemic in the...

A sit-down with new CIA President Jacque Friedland

On July 1, 2021, Jacqueline Friedland, FCIA, begins her term as CIA President. Get to know Jacque in this new episode of Seeing Beyond Risk as she shares her vision for the future and her plans to address diversity in the profession, climate change, emerging areas of practice, and more.

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