Since 2016, the CIA and its partners have released data from the North American Actuaries Climate Index (ACI) every quarter. The most recent release continues the tradition. But what can you do with this data? What does it mean? We caught up with members of the CIA’s Climate Change and Sustainability Committee (CCSC) to learn more about the ACI and help find out how you can make the most of it.
Text Analytics: A Twitter case study
More the same than different: Data science and its relationship with actuarial science
Data science and actuarial science are both multidisciplinary in nature; they extract insights from data and require strong understanding of the underlying business processes and domain knowledge to be successful at accomplishing the task. A deeper understanding of data science can allow actuaries to leverage data science results in their work and find more applications in emerging practice areas.
Three strategies for moving forward: A PDC update
An update from Practice Development Council Chair, George Wang, on the council’s goals and bright vision for the future of the profession and its actuaries.
Your Board: Keeping a close watch
The CIA President explains how the Board operates, offers some examples, and provides an overview of the key questions Board members discussed at their meeting in September.